Galaxy Life Wiki
Galaxy Life Wiki

Workers are a crucial part of any colony. They are the Starlings who build everything you need. When the player first starts the game they start with 1 Worker. In order to hire another one, you will need a helmet, a tool case, and a mallet or a friendship stone. Two or more builders are far more efficient than one: when one is working on a structure the other ones remain free to recycle plants or upgrade other buildings.


  • You don't need any workers to build decorations.
  • The maximum limit of workers is 5 workers.
  • You can also obtain more workers by exchanging them for Friendship Stone Friendship Stones at the Academy.
  • If a worker is building something, like a Defense Bunker, it can not be attacked.
  • Note that sooner or later, a planet will be fully developed, thus having 5 workers on a specific planet isn't recommended, as other colonies could also use workers.
  • So far, there's only a worker named "Worky" and another one named Oopsies.


To see more info about Helmets, Mallets, Tool cases and Friendship Stones
and know how to get them, click on each item thumbnail or visit My Stuff Page.

Note: The bottleneck in making workers is mallets, destroy starbases (of any level), as playing peacefully will heavily slow your progression!

Workers per base
Worker Required items
1Ā° None
2Ā° Helmet 1 Tool Case 1 Mallet 1 or 1 Friendship Stone
3Ā° Helmet 2 Tool Case 2 Mallet 2 or 2 Friendship Stone
4Ā° Helmet 3 Tool Case 3 Mallet 3 or 2 Friendship Stone
5Ā° Helmet 6 Tool Case 6 Mallet 6 or 3 Friendship Stone

Animated Photo[]



  • Fixed an issue causing a worker to be lost.
  • Fixed bug that was causing a display of negative workers.
  • They have improved their skills in no time and learned a new architectural style!
  • Fixed issue that charged you the incorrect amount of minerals when releasing a worker.

See Also[]

 v ā€¢ d ā€¢ e    Related Categories & Pages
My Stuff
Helmet ā€¢ Tool Case ā€¢ Mallet ā€¢ Star Battery ā€¢ Mana Light ā€¢ Mystery Cube ā€¢ Friendship Stone ā€¢ Sphere
Star Base 5 ā€¢ Laboratory 3 ā€¢ Observatory 3 ā€¢ Academy
Resources Coins ā€¢ Minerals ā€¢ Galaxy Chips ā€¢ Experience ā€¢ Warpoints
