Defense tips
In this area there will list of few tips and ideas to help you make a better defense. Hopefully if you can find the time to correctly implement the below information. You will have a better chance to keeping your planet safe and also you should be able to plan better attacks against players with less protected planets.
Base Position
Be careful, the place where you will build your base will affect your global defense strategy. Some favorite location of players are towards of upper left boundary and towards of lower right boundary. These two locations has features of land narrow outside the site. Which can make deployment of the enemy arduous on one side of your base. Placing your important buildings like the base, banks and compact houses near the narrow boundary. Which it will make them relatively safe against enemy troops whose will likely need to be deployed very close to your building. Like that, It will ensure reducing the options to take your building from outside and get out of the defense range using long range units as the bazookas. Or somewhere else and make their way toward the base, banks and houses (which are mostly the first targets of an invasion), in subjecting them to other protections turrets or bunkers. A strange layout is a Star Base alone in the centre with a ring of buildings round the outside of the map, and turrets between the Star Base and the outer buildings. When the enemy drops their units on the grass, the units are demolished when Sniper Towers pick them off one by one.
Be careful when using the Land Narrow Position,some attackers may break into your base using Missile rains,Boulder strikes and Nukes even buildings are in the boundary,so Turrets or Bunkers should also protect the boundaries. Cherylfrancis3000 (talk) 12:48, October 5, 2014 (UTC)
Turrets & Bunkers
Turrets and bunkers make up the main fire power of your base defense. For turrets, place them as close to each other as possible while covering your base's important buildings. Therefore if you can place 4 cannons and 4 snipers close together, any invading troops that get caught within the killzone will be demolished. But in practice, you must first ensure that all your important buildings are protected by the turrets. It's pointless to have unbeatable defense in front of your base when the enemy can drop their troops behind you.
Bunkers are great. The main unit for the bunkers are beetle tanks up till level 40, after that you should have upgraded s-trike which then becomes stronger then beetle tank both in hp and attack speed and attack power. Combination with Colossi or Falcons recommended for air defense. If your star base are level 4 then is useful to put bazookas, but if your Star Base level is more than lvl 4 then put Falcons or Colossi because Bazookas doesn't have a lot of health.
The bunkers however have 2 main weaknesses: 1st is, they only have 10k HP (level 1) when they are built, which 25 Bazookas will destroy it in 1 volley of fire; A destroyed bunker will NOT lose it's units, but they won't fight. 2nd is the units contains within them can be killed, rendering the bunker nothing more than a base decoration, which makes the need to place them strategically in a tightly formated position.
Therefore to effectively use bunkers, they must be protected, which can be done by surrounding them with walls (at least lvl 4) or buildings. While the enemy troops are busy destroying your buildings, your defensive forces from the bunker will have a clear shot on them. You can also protect your bunkers by placing them close to your towers. Using Falcons in bunkers is a very popular and effective use of the bunker. Falcons have a side effect to swipe over the entire base looking for enemies to kill. So when your enemy sees the bunker door open and Falcons come out - they've got one dead Starling army.
Turret & Bunkers Tips
- Hide your turrets behind buildings to surprise opponents. Mortars are very good at this, as they are one of, if not the smallest turret in the game
- Surround your turrets with walls or less important buildings, so while their units attack that, your turrets eat away at their army, OR place your turrets scattered among your very tightly formated buildings to make enemies hack and slash into your base before getting to the defense buildings.
- Take into account any areas that may be strong, but cannot attack air units.
- Ask for strong units for your Friends Bunker.
- A Boulder Strike is generally enough to kill a turret, which effectively is a good way to deal with a nasty located Laser Tower or Sniper Tower. However, a full health mortar is not going to be killed by a boulder strike but it will be seriously damaged.
- be aware of boulder strikes, 2 can kill a lvl max bunker lvl 1-2 bunkers can be killed off by only one boulder strike
Walls & Obstacles
You can form a perimeter using walls and other insignificant buildings (Mines , Compact Houses , Factories ... etc). When done right, the enemy troops will have to break through your perimeters 1st before they can deal with your other defenses. While they are working hard on tearing down those useless buildings, your towers and bunkers can attack them much easier.
- Please note that your walls and other internal building should not be more than 2 tiles apart or your opponent will just drop his troops inside your walls.
Another walling strategy is Area Denial. Instead of forming a solid parameter, you place each of your walls 1 or 2 tiles apart to cover a large area. This will effectively block your opponent from dropping his troops next to your base, forcing him to deploy the troops further away and face the terror of long range snipers and traps.
Factories and other troop buildings keep their lines of troops when destroyed. (It should be noted that Training Camps, Factories, Star Ports, and other military buildings give out large amounts of War Points, and thus should not be used as obstacles during an alliance war). Buildings which are being upgraded continue to upgrade even when destroyed, Research lab remains researching while destroyed, but will not finish when destroyed.
And its a good idea to put the turrets in a box made of walls. keep your resource buildings safe to because if someone destroys them it will stop collecting resources.
Trap Placement
Placing traps is all about mind games. When the enemy least expected it... Kaboom!!! Traps should be placed near your buildings, preferably directly NOT next to it but in the area of approach. The reason is to avoid mine sweeping tactics. As your opponent cannot deploy troops on the tile directly next to your building, it is less likely that your trap will go off on the 1st unit your opponent drops. Since no one will have the patience to wait for 1 unit to poke until your building collapses, your opponent will likely deploy more troops at once. When the building is finally destroyed and the troops storm towards your starbase and... Kaboom!!!
Besides, integrating traps into your area denial strategy can be effective as well. Scattering traps in between your wall tiles is a where your opponent is likely to attack (you may even purposely create an apparent weakness in your defense as bait, but mind the mine sweeping tactics). Since in area denial your opponent has to drop his troops far away, the long way they have to walk means they have a high risk in stumbling into a trap and... Kaboom!!!
Hiding Resources
Well, you have the money, but you don't wanna spend it all, and you don't want to give it away to your attackers, what to do? Never fear, there's a little trick that can help you to protect some of your coins from your attackers. First, fill up your warp gates with your cheapest units. After the warp gate is filled, queue up the most expensive units in your training facilities until all the queues are full, or you are out of coins. Then you can happily log off to sleep. Your queue will still be there even if your training facilities are destroyed. You just have to fix the training facilities, and cancel all the units in queue to get back your money. Depending on your technology level and/or number of colonies, this trick is able to hide millions of coins. A great way to save up coins if you don't wanna buy a colony shield.
Another way is to have colonies with the sole reason of generating and collecting coins. Your main planet then should go with low or no resource producing or storing building, and your colonies should not be in a screen away location from your main planet star system. They won't be found during war, collect every penny you earn and will not give it away. Beware to attack with such a colony since it will be more then a gold pot attraction to the more advanced player. Do not forget to add defense since there are many players scavenging for those colonies with high resources and little to no defense.
Extra-Types of Protection
We all think that this may not be a type of "defense mechanism", but it actually can be. Starting with a few attacks to a known enemy multiple times may get them angry or scared so when it comes to attacking your base they are actually thinking of spying and other types of things to take advantage of your blind spots. My advice is always trying to change-up your entire base like for example you can put some snipers and blast cannons next to each other and try some missile launchers to replace the snipers. Or when your gigantic Mortar (ground unit devil) tower is all alone out there with 6 Sniper Towers next to your Cannon Blasts try to put your Missle Launchers and one freeze turret next to it and you'd be surprised how faster the flying units can't destroy the mortar tower as much.
The fortress
Starbase level 3-4: Place you main buildings (Star base, Bank, Silos, Warp gates or bunkers and turrets) to middle square of 24*24 boxes and place 4 mines or compact houses to line (B-Line) next to every side, to corners place snipers. Next to middle of every B-line place cannon blast. Then place walls and traps:
- For SB3: place 6 walls (4 to line and 2 diagonal to them) next to cannon blasts and 8 (3 onward at end of every B-line and 2 connecting them, traps place to gaps.
- For SB4: do this same, but place more walls; Extend the diagonal lines of walls to B-lines and then place 2 walls next to B-lines on every side, do the gap with trap and then place additional 3 walls to connect to the sniperĀ“s walls.
Countering S-Trikes!
Well, a lot of users think that the s-trikes are overpowered. actually a bit they are ;) but countering 'em isn't imposssible.
the best way to counter them is by Walls.The S-trikes who enconter a wall must destroy it to pass to its next target so, when it is destroying a wall it is stopped and mortars can hit it, defeating it quickly. Don't forget to fill your bunkers with colossus also.
Remember that a s-trike is almost nothing without its speed.
My Defense by gAlAxY_LiFe_ninJa
A way that you can protect yourself from both S-Trikes and Nuke are very hard to find. Nukes take out the bunkers no problem, and that allows the S-trikes to zoom on by without a problem. A way you can counter this is to build a Nine-Square base. A Nine Square base holds up to One Warp Gate per square. In 1 Square, the middle square, It holds the Star Base inside. It is like this because the base holds the most experience/war points of all of the items. In the Squares to the left and right to the base are the Warp Gates. Again, the warp gates fill one square so you cannot add anything else. The Bottom and Top Squares hold a Laboratory with 4 turrets, preferably a Missile Launcher, a Laser Tower, a Cannon Blast, and a Sniper Tower. A Mortar could help too, but those are the deadliest weapons. And the Other square should hold a Warp Gate. Then the four Bunkers go in the four corners of the base, along with whatever Turrets remain. An example is shown above.
Attack tips
In this area will list a few tips and ideas for attacking other player bases a little better. Hopefully if you can find the time to correctly impliment the below information, you will have a better chance of not only loot a lot of resources, but also be able to plan better attacks against people with less fully upgraded colonies and armies.
Before Attacking
Before start attacking a player think twice, think that if you place a unit there will it be destroyed easily? First spy on them before attacking, see where all the turrets are hiding, you can also use a spy capsule to check for units in bunkers, or if you see something hiding behind a building) see if there is a defensive bunker or a friends bunker. For a help, here we present most commonly used tactics and tips.To Destroy firstly if you have more than 2 Boulder Strike then you can place it on the defense bunkers, then when you finish use 2 boulder strikes that should finish it off. There are a couple of key notes about defensive turrets that help define an attack plan. Defensive turrets have a "target preference", i.e. when a bunch of units are in range, once their current target is destroyed the turret will start firing on a random unit within its range based on its target preference, and will aim to destroy every unit of the preferred type before moving on to a different type. Snipers, Cannon Blasts and Laser Towers HEAVILY prefer Beetle tanks over almost anything else, which make them perfect decoys for the much more damaging Bazookas. One critical note though, Falcons from defensive bunkers actually prefer infantry and will pound your Bazookas first before the Beetles, so you will not be able to decoy them. Also, keep tons of missile rains, boulder stikes and skull nukes in handy too(I strongly recommend missile rains and boulder strikes, because skull nukes can hurt your units.).
One other key thing to consider before attacking is on what is the intention of the attack. If your alliance is at war with another and you just want to kill everything in sight, then the use of lots of heavy expensive units is viable. However, if the attack is intended as a resource raid you have to be much more tactical in your approach. Sending in a raiding force to a base that has less stealable resources in it than what the raiding force cost is a profoundly stupid idea, because you are wasting units(and money) that could've been used to loot a much stronger base with more loot. Many players spend a lot of money on really strong units, but they only loot about one-fifth of the money they used to make those units. Don't be that dumb. Plan out your attack(s) so that you have a high likelyhood of ending up ahead in resources compared to what you spent. You can attack once with a few units from colony to find out, what units are in bunkers and then do the main attack.
A couple of other critical notes:
- Have in account the attack costs = (the distance between your planet and the planet you want to attack) x 620.
- ALWAYS think before you attack. If you attack someone the opponent gets a "revenge" attack counter against you. What this means is even if you are below the target's normal general attack range by level they will still be allowed to launch an attack against you. For example, if a level 50 person attacks a level 90 person, the level 90 person will be able to attack the level 50 person. They will get as many revenge strike counters as the number of attacks you launch against them, so beware of this before you attack someone notably stronger than you. These counters appear to last one week until consumed by an attack, it used to be indefinitely until a recent update.
- When two alliances go to war, the level restrictions on who the members can attack and colony shield are TURNED OFF against members of the enemy alliance. That means that every single member of one alliance can attack any of the members of the enemy alliance, even if the target is several hundred levels below them (in fact this is one of the favorite tactics for getting high Warpoints. Keep that in mind before joining a highly combat-oriented alliance.
Specific Types of Attack
Here are a few styles of attacking for defeat enemy's bases!
Bazookas and battle support.
When you are ready attack the player, first destroy the turrets with few bazookas . After you've done and you've checked that all your Bazookas are dead, its time to use some battle support. Use the Skull Nuke (I don't recommend it if you deployed units already because it kills your units), Missile Rain or Boulder Strike on a certain turrets or buildings. For example, Bunkers or most dangerous turrets. Now get ready your "fight troops", usually Bazookas + Beetles Tanks are a deadly combination for a cheap price. Beetle Tanks can take hits from Cannon Blasts and other turrets while the Bazookas stand back and deliver massive damage. It doesn't always have to be those two. Colossi and air units work as well. You can use "fighting troops" first instead of using few bazookas for an open attack.
- For the not-so-chip-ful players here's my help/advice to you my comrades, keep your bazookas out of range of that defense and send in the falcons or moles. If that special enemy that your attacking has a heavy defense I'd suggest to throw those falcons and moles in to kill those turrets and most likely after the turrets are destroyed send in those bazookas for a total domination of that planet.
- Flamethrowers are the best against laser turrets. In conjunction with bazookas you got them down in a few seconds.
Swarming with Marines
Useful, yet underestimated tactic is swarming lots of Marines, As they are very cheap and fast-creating troops, you can attack with them pretty fast. Higher levels of Marines recommended (at least 3). First off, spy on your enemies and find good place to attack (far away from Mortar Turret or Cannon Blast turret). If there's not such a places, use battle support (Skull Nuke, Missile Rain or Boulder Strike) or either falcons (5 max.) to quickly kill it. Now swarm your marines and enjoy grabing lots of loot!
Another good tactic is using your many Marines to distract the enemies' defense, then you can send in the Moles, Falcons or your unit of choice; then you may get ready for your enemies planets to burn and for you to gain as much loot as you can!
Overall swarming marines starts losing usefulness when the Mortar is built in the enemy base, near level 30.
Swarm of Wasps
If you can spam Marines, why not Wasps as they are air version of them? The key difference between these tactics are location and circumstances. Wasp are more useful when Mortars and Cannon Blasts are faraway from Snipers and Missile Launchers, while Marines are more useful for opposite event. Use the same tactic as Marines' tactic (which can be found above), just find good position and enjoy grabbing loots even more! This is only a useful tactic in a war situation, given the costs of these you should not use this for raiding.
- Just a side note from another player; wasps aren't very useful, BUT! if there is an unprotected (gigantic ground area) only covered by tiny cannon blasts and mortar teams, they are the cheapest and greatest weapon!
- Another note by another player: Wasps are still expensive in comparison to Marines, so be careful.
Mixed Ultra Assault (by Kiljaedenas)
In terms of raw destructive power and ability to take out a base, there is nothing that can compare to a properly mixed force of Colossus tanks and Falcon jets from a base that has filled at least three fully upgraded warp gates with them and nothing else. The only thing that can really stop one of these attacks is bunkers filled with a mix of more Colossi and Falcons. You could go all Colossi in the bunkers but they may have trouble catching the Falcons before they've done serious damage to your turrets, particularly your Mortars.
The best way to attack with this force is in stages. First, carefully look for all of the Mortars and gauge their range, so you know where safe drop zones are for the Colossi. Then, start with the enemy bunkers; you want them emptied. Use Colossi and drop four within the trigger radius of a Bunker but outside the range of any Mortars. Four Colossi will completely empty a Bunker filled with anything other than more Colossi or perhaps multiple Zeppelins; even a maxed Bunker filled to the brim with Falcons won't be able to take all of them down, and you can always drop a couple more for backup. Do this for all of the bunkers that you can engage outside of the range of mortars, possibly using missiles or meteors on the bunkers that you can't hit. As a bonus, if any missle turrets happen to be on the outskirts of a base try to wait until they're taken out as well by the Colossi. Do not deploy all of your Colossi during this initial stage! Keep at least 8 stored if you can.
Once all or at least as many as possible of the bunkers are emptied or destroyed, deploy your Falcons en-masse preferably close to Mortars and ideally at least 10. If you've been able to take out the bunker troops or are just lucky, they will take out all the Mortar turrets before they fall (if they even do). At the very least they should hopefully weaken them enough so that you can use cheap items to finish them off. Once the mortars are down, if enough of your Colossi from the first stage are still standing you may not even need to deploy more. But if you've taken out the bunkers and Mortars and have at least 8 colossi left, it won't matter what the rest of the turrets are like. You will be able to wipe the base outright, no matter how big it is. However, even if the enemy defences manage to ultimately defeat you using this technique, there is no base layout in existence that could properly defend against two back-to-back attacks of this nature so if you can immediately attack again with the same type of force and technique, you WILL level them.
A new tactic using new unit. First, you must destroy sniper, laser and freeze towers by beetles and bazookas, moles (max.10) or falcons (max.5) and then deploy a lot of S-trikes next to tower, what do you want to destroy (remaining sniper, laser or freeze turrets, strong bunker or mortar (to deploy more bazookas) or Missile launchers (to use air units)).
This tactic uses speed and mobility of new S-Trike, you must destroy sniper and laser towers because they can hit S-Trike and the freeze turrets, because they slow down the S-Trikes and they can be easily hit. If the S-Trikes destroy mortars and cannon blasts, you can use bazookas to devastate the planet and if they destroy missile launchers, you can use Ufos or Wasps, because they cannot be damaged. Sometimes if you have 30 or so S-Trikes, you don't need to worry about snipers and lasers, they're fine alone.
S-Triking can be the best when they are on level 4. not too expensive but also good damage they are great for defense bunkers because they will make it go open and directly closed by their speed. but when there are a lot of bazookas in the bunker you got a dead s-trike army. try a simple marine to activate the bunker.
S-triking 2 (by -alex48starlings- )
new tactic using the s-trike.first control if there are bazookas in bunkers (like shown above). if there are use some Boulder Strikes on the bunker or in alternative defeat the bazookas using a few Beetle Tanks after that place your s-trikes (about 15) and, while they are distracting the towers (especially mortars) deploy some bazookas or starlinators do defeat the distracted towers
S-Triking Notes (by CallmemabeyXD)
Note that sometimes when you deploy many s-trikes around a low level building it gets destroyed, and then the trikes split up. This is a HUGE disadvantage of S-Triking, and it also makes it easier for them to get pulverized by snipers and lasers, since they don't have anything else to attack the turret attacking it.
Attacking Notes (By CallmemabeyXD)
The most important thing about attacking is finding a strategy that works for you. But it also has to fit your star base level. This means that you have to connect the dots-figure out what units to use for this star base level. Here are some examples: Lvl 3 and under: marines(at least lvl 3 recommended.) Lvl 4: Massed bazookas and beetle tanks will do perfectly. Lvl 5-6: Why not s-trikes? Oh, and some Falcons. Lvl 7+: colossus, Starlinators, Falcons, S-Trikes. There. Now you have an idea of what to use and not use for battles. This will be very important in alliance battles as well. Connect the dots, dudes.
Attack Tactic (by Dragan89sd)
I use this style of attacking, if someone has 4 fully upgraded defense bunkers with colossi you will need at least 36 colossi to destroy them, simply place one unit in range and when they attack, you do attack from other direction, after that send one round of falcons, considering that it will not be enough for high level turrets in third round send 20 falcons and rest bazookas. I suggest thet you should specialize each planet for training one or two units, i have 12 planets and on 5 of them i have only bazookas and falcons and 7 ot them are for colossuses, so there is no need to unlock molls, beetle tanks, wasps, ufos, starlinators, kamikazes. After you finish with upgrading units recycle laboratory so oponnent can earn less points for attacking you.
Using Disadvantages (by lordlarry1)
My favourite method of taking out a base starts by spying on the enemy and checking the bunkers for enemy units. If it's above level 2 and loaded, too bad, you can't attack this base, but if it is level 1 I drop a boulder and boom! It's gone. Then I deploy 20 S-Trikes. The Trikes will run around the base and while they're doing that, I match my units to the turrets.
Mortar: Use Starlinators, the mortar will be too occupied with the Trikes.
Missile Launcher: Any ground unit!
Laser and Sniper Tower: Massed Bazookas and Beetle Tanks.
Cannon Blast: Beetle Tanks.
A good booster in damage are Moles. Upgraded levels in units may be required for different level bases.
I hope this helped!
(Last Note: Don't be afraid to pick on a base and always loot it, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't lose money as you fail to meet the prices of your army over time)
Colossus and starlinators(by fighter107)
if you can use bazookas and beetle tank why not colossus and starlinators, if you can't destroy a bunker full of colossus use this tactic: step 1: distract the bunker with one colossus, drop it not to close because then destroy the colossi the colossus, so drop it on the end of the range from the bunker .step 2 : then if the colossi far enough drop the starlinators near the bunker, but look out for mortars , drop one colossus near the mortar to distract it before you drop the starlinators, you must have 2 or 3 planets full of colossus and starlinator to do this. its expensive,but it works good! extra tip: if you have not enough starlinators, a zeppelin will be also a good support for the starlinators since their health pretty low is :).
Falcon, beetle tanks and bazookas(by seamus2003)
If you have falcons you can destroy loads of defense with them but make sure you use the beetle tanks and bazookas at the right time after the falcons are deployed as most turrets are focused on them and probably the most dangerous turrets like the mortar is destroyed then its a good idea to deploy bazookas and beetle tanks can destroy all the ground turrets and if all units are destroyed and you have marines or any other units then deploy them them after the tanks bazookas and falcons are destroyed. Its not really the cheapest but worth the resources. (recomened 10 or 5 falcons, 15 bazookas and 6 tanks with a few random units)
Zeppelins and beetle tanks(by seamus2003)
If you have zeppelins and you have beetle tanks use them together. When choosing a location to attack place all the units in the exact same place as they might attack the same thing so it will destroy the base easily.
Falcons, Starlinators, and S-Trikes
Attacking with Starlinators and S-Trikes involve the same core concepts as attacking with Bazookas and Beetle tanks. S-Trikes, at first, appear to be one of the worst units in the game. 200 damage, 1700 health. However, when it is upgraded to levels 4 and above, its damage per second and health is greatly increased. Unfortunately, the cost goes up significantly too--20,800 coins at level 4. As a result, this tactic is recommended for high level players, players with level 7 or above Compact Houses, or players that know who to attack and who to not to attack based on loot amount. Falcons are added into the mix to counter mainly air units in bunkers.
In tactics involving Beetle Tanks and Bazookas, Beetle Tanks are often described as a shield for the Bazookas. As players reach higher and higher levels, turrets get stronger and stronger, posing more of a problem. This is especially the case with Mortars, since a few hits can easily destroy a Beetle Tank, and splash damage could destroy Bazookas close to them. In this tactic, Starlinators and S-Trikes, S-Trikes function as a shield, particularly against the Mortars. As the S-Trikes drive around, drawing fire from defences, the Starlinators will go destroy defences. Since most turrets prefer mechanized units, the Starlinators will sustain minimal damage.
A flaw that should be taken into acconut when deploying this tactic is Defense Bunkers. If they contain lots air units, this tactic will probably be useless. If this is the case, a good way to counter this is to deploy Falcons, Marines, and Bazookas. First, drop a few spaced out Marines to activate the Defense Bunker. As the units start to engage the Marines, deploy Bazookas and Falcons. When a Marine dies, deploy another one in the same spot as to keep the enemy units occupied. Continue deploying Marines until all units are dead or if the bunker is filled with zeppellins or wasps since they are slow desploying all the srikes next to the bunker to deal massive damage. If the Defense Bunker was stocked with Falcons, then by the time all units are dead, your S-Trikes and Starlinators should have destroyed most of the base.
(Highly recommended by lordlarry1)
Falcon and Zeppelins
attacking with falcons and zeppellins involve the SAME core concepcts of starlinators and colossus. you will need at least 6 zeppellins and the rest falcons. this is raccomanded against higly mortar-freeze turrets based bases.
first, deploy your zeppellins near the missile launchers then spam falcons next to them. they will get pulverized.then falcons will start squazzling in the bases,destroy snipers and lasers. when the defencs are destroyed put in the rest of ur zeppellins to loot.
if the defences reach to kill the falcons attack again with other falcons, and then loot with bazookers, looters or marines
Attacking Defensive Bunker
When you are going to destroy a defense bunker and units come out, use Missle Rain or Boulder Strike to destroy the bunker. It is not smart to use the Skull Nuke because it will also destroy your units, not to mention it's extremely expensive.The cheaper way is to unleash 2 Boulder Strikes and 1 Missile Rain as that will completely destroy the defense bunker with the units inside it.If its your defense bunker then fill it up with colossus and if not then bazookas or falcons. Better is if you put some falcons (about 4) to destroy weak units so fast and 9 colossus to kill heavy and slow units for example enemys colossus.
Gaining XP Points
If you need experience points from battles, destroy the warp gates, training facility, factory and starport first, which are commonly far away from turrets and bunkers, as they give lots of experience. (e.g: a destroyed level three warp gate gives out 3,754 xp)
- I myself must say that these are just military facilities, But! The military/turrets are the most EXP givers and it is a better decision ( ironic yes? ) to attack the turrets and army facilities rather than just the petty star base and the mines/ compact houses.
- Another note that I saw that needed to be added was that destroying warp gates is a gigantic and humungous exp gain, sometimes when my clan battles ( anonymous so we don't get many challengers ) we love the joy of destroying those warp gates filled with enemy units.
- Killing warp gates is a good goal but sometimes they may be protected or used as a defense what can I do to destroy them? I answered him/her by telling him/her that the best way to go against that is by shooting up their defensive bunkers with Artillery Attacks or defense-unit killers.
Gaining War Points
If you are attacking because your alliance is at war,attack the starports, training facilities, factories and warpgates,as they give more exp and war points,and plus the other buildings such as the observatory gets you no where in getting war points and exp,the mines and compact houses will help you to get more resources,and the turrets are the main things to destroy(as an attacker)as they give a lot of exp,and finally is the starbase they also give a large amount of exp as well as outstanding warpoints,as the war points you collect are 1% of the experience you gain from the attack. By destroying the warp gates you will also destroy any troops your opponent has left in them. Going for his resources isn't the best thing to do, unless you need them plus they take a long time to destroy and give almost no war points.
The amount of war points you get are rounded up, so even if you gain only one experience point, you will get one war point. This works out great when you are dealing with lower level players- Instead of destroying their entire base at once, which will only grant you a few war points, you'll want to end the fight after every building you destroy- Gaining one war point for each.You might also want to see the attack cost before attacking as you can loose your minerals while you are saving it for something else.
Looting Resources
My big advice for looting resources is that always think like an artist, (sounds weird right?) always go for the random things like tiny blind spots like a field-full of cannon blasts and mortar towers that are protecting the resources. For example I need to not get Exp points, but instead im trying to destroy a persons Compact house. On my opponents left side of the house I spy a clear view of Cannon blasts and only Mortars. Best bet to destroy that thing is to first use 5 falcons to take out the right side and when the falcons reach the left side (full of snipers and freeze turrets/missile launchers) you send in the infantry! send in the Bazooka's to take out That defenseless compact house and totally dominate that enemies defensive strategy!
Alliance tips
Alliances overwiew
Alliances are a in-game system wich allows you to create and join an alliance and fight against other alliances.
Tips: Fighting
When fighting, yuor goal is to take up the enemy's bases for earning war points. then comes the defense. Follow those Tips and remember to fill the bunkers. Try to place your colonies far from your main planet. Always remember that if you attack from a colony it will be revealed to the enemies.