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Sparragon Icon

Sparragons Planet in System VIew

Sparragon is one of the three main antagonists in the game. He attacks you at the beginning of the game, on the "Save The Starlings" mission chain. You must destroy Sparragon's Star Base to obtain the Delta Key (when prompted by the mission), which you will need to rescue some Starlings after destroying Firebit's star base later on. After that, you can attack him as many times as you want, but per attack, his planet will become stronger!

Notice: Even a max level Sparragon Planet can easily be destroyed by a Level 6 Zeppelin.



Popup window when you click his planet.

  • The best way to take advantage of Sparragon's Star Base in every battle is to have 15-30 Falcon's (maxed level)
  • Also, its Star Base can be destroyed with the help of 3 beetles tanks of 4 levels, and 8 bazookas of 4 levels, as well as 2 UFO Hoover 1 level. If these units are of a higher level, there may be fewer of them. In this case, you will receive more coins than you spent and will receive about 100,000 minerals, a little more than 1,000 experience and some things for collections.
  • Sparragon's Max. Lvl is 65 with a Lvl 5 Star Base.
  • Note that when given the option to spy or attack, the planet is only his first colony
  • After each time destroying its Star Base, the defenses and buildings will upgrade, until Sparragon reaches its strongest base.


  • Even tough Sparragon attacks you with zeppelins, in the beginning, he doesn't seem to have training facilities. They might be located on his main planet, as the planet in your system is just a colony.
  • Sparragon's third base has been slightly modified.
  • Sparragon loves asparagus
Sparragon's planet

Sparragon planet's base

Sparragon level max

No training facilities even at max level


Unused Dialogue[]

Yo ho ho! Beware landlubber! Your booty will be mine!

Dare you to look at me, landlubber? My pirate ship is heading your way to claim all your shiny coins and minerals!

Your booty will be mine!
  — Sparragon unused dialogue. 

