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Skull illustration 2

The Skull Seeker Event lasted from 2 August 2023 to 17 August 2023. The Event is also called the Festival of Death. It can be seen as a reskin of the Perseids Event from 2015. Players collect as many skulls as they can. These skulls can be traded in for various amazing rewards!

ā€œIt's that time of the year again, it's time for the festival of death! Roam the galaxy searching for destruction the skulls you retrieve can be exchanged into great rewards!ā€
  — Event's announcement 
Skull seeker icon

Event Icon

A clickable icon appears in the top left of the screen during the event, showing a countdown until the next free Skull drop.


Main Menu[]

Skull seeker popup

The Event's menu shows the countdown until next Skull drop, the player's current number of Skulls, and progress to the gifts.

Other ways to obtain Skulls[]

Aside from the free Skull drops every 8 hours, Skulls can also be obtained from destroying other people's Star Bases and Compact Houses. Here's an overview:

  • Destroy Houses level 1+ āŸ¶ 8.33% chance of 1 Skull
  • Destroy Star Bases level 1+ āŸ¶ 30% chance of 2 Skulls
  • Destroy Star Bases level 6+ āŸ¶ 30% chance of 5 Skulls
  • Destroy Star Bases level 8+ āŸ¶ 30% chance of 8 Skulls
  • Destroy Star Bases level 9+ āŸ¶ 30% chance of 10 Skulls

All of these are stackable, which means that fully destroying a level 9 Star Base could theoretically give you about 25 Skulls. There's no cooldown involved with it.


  • A Skull is given to the player for free every 8 hours.
  • Skulls can also be purchased for 1 each or in packs in the Premium Shop (not available at this time, but the button is there for some reason).
  • Skulls are traded in for gifts that give useful rewards.
  • The characters on the wooden sign on the event's menu are written in the Starling alphabet. It translates to "gifts".
Trading in Skulls
Costs Gift
5 x Skull

1 x Skull

Silver Skull
9 x Skull

1 x Skull

Mineral Skull
17 x Skull

1 x Skull

Golden Skull
100 x Skull

2 x Skull

Golden Skull

Gift rewards[]

Check out the Mystery Cubes page (coming soonā„¢)!

See Also[]
