Galaxy Life Wiki
Galaxy Life Wiki

Welcome to the rival battles! Here you can fight against other chiefs for chips. You will attack each other's planet, so prepare your army and ready your defenses! The chief who destroys more of the other's base wins! Good luck sir!
  — in-game description 


Rival battle

Rival Battle Menu (current)

Rival Battles was released in the update 0.75.6. It enables you to fight against other players forchips. There are three tiers, each having a different cost to play and payout. The cheapest option is free for your first battle!

After you click on which tier you want to play, Galaxy Life will try to find another player who is also competing in the same tier. The player you're matched against will have the same level Star Base, but it will ignore "level too low" restrictions.

New Rival Battle Menu

Rival Battle Menu (legacy)

Once Galaxy Life has found you a competitor, you will have one chance to destroy his planet. While you're attacking, your competitor will also be attacking you.

Both players are given seven minutes (the time of a standard attack) to destroy the other base. Just like a normal battle, if you run out of troops, or the time runs out, the attack will end. The battle will also end if everything is destroyed. Once the battle has ended, Galaxy Life will look at two things to see the competitor.

  • Who destroyed the most
    • In battle, whoever gets the larger percentage of experience points will win. If both players destroy the same % however, then Galaxy Life will look at the next point
  • Who took the least amount of time
    • If both players destroy the same % of each other's bases, then whoever took the least amount of time will get the prize cash.

Victory screen of a tier I Battle showing loot, experience and chips gained.

Rival Battles is only available after Starbase Level 4

When participating in Rival Battles, both attack and defense are important. Make sure you've stocked your bunkers before attacking!


  • The information of the attacker in is now shown in the Battle Replay.
  • Rival battles do not offer revenge attacks.
  • This is the only battle type where speeding up time is not available.
  • If both players do 0% both will lose.


  • Attacking from high level planets is not recommended.  Reasons:
    • less opponents
      Rival menu

      Rival Battle HUD Icon.

    • opponents harder to destroy
    • attacks require a lot more resources
  • Due to the point above it might be a good idea to keep one of your colonies at starbase level 5 as you'll have much more targets and the battes will be cheaper and easier while offering the same reward.
  • If you search from your planet, you can only be matched against other planets. Likewise, if you search from a colony, you can only be matched against other colonies.
  • Look at the payout of each tier.  Don't use Special Attacks in tier one battles, because you won't get enough chips to offset the price.  If you're competing in the 37 battle, you can use a few Special Attacks; you have to remember, you're going to earn 17 if you win, but you might lose 20 if you lose.
  • Just like normal attacks, you will lose all defending units in bunkers if they are destroyed.
  • Be sure to fill your bunkers with troops before competing.
  • On starbase levels 6 and below make sure to protect your warpgates and army buildings as they give a lot of XP at this stage. You don't have to worry about this too much on higher tier bases since by then turrets will start to provide majority of the XP.
  • BEWARE! There is a common misconception that the end screen counts % of buildings destroyed. This is incorrect the end battle screen only counts how much XP was looted so destroying just a few XP rich buildings can get your opponent to 71% while destroying only houses in mines will appear as if you destroyed more of their base visually but you will get much less XP therefore you'll loose!
