The Mystery Cube is a gift that you can send your friends. You'll get a certain item, unit or an amount of Resources. You can send 1 per day. You never know which reward you'll get, so keep sending them to your friends! There are multiple types of cubes, each one with their own unique way of acquiring them.
Nearly all the cubes have a predefined set of items with each having a set % chance of dropping. The %'s always add up to 100%
Friend Cubes[]
Mystery Cube[]
"Send one to your friends, they'll love it! Open it to discover the gift inside!"
"The council issued this pack for three years of Galactic Adventure. It can contain your most desired items, a Green beret, a Star battery or even powerful Golems. You can even send some to your friends to help them out."
There are some rules followed by the cubes between the levels (with the exception of level 1). You should read up on them to make sure you get the item you want!
The main difference between cube levels is the increase in quality and quantity of items!
Perfect Cubes always give out the most Coins or Chips compared to Flawed and Imperfect cubes of the same level.
The starbattery can be found in respective cubes: Lvl 2 Perfect, Lvl 3 Imperfect, Lvl 4 Flawed.
Flawed Exclusives:
Flytrap, Bluetrap, Collosus, Starlinator and Zeppelin collection items are only available in "Flawed" cubes.
Red, Purple and White Crystals are only available in "Flawed" cubes.
Spyling Capsules are only available in "Flawed" cubes.
Imperfect Exclusives:
Blue, Green and Yellow Crystals are only available in "Imperfect" cubes.
Pre-trained Collosus & Zeppelin units are only available in "Imperfect" cubes.
Starshields are only available in "Imperfect" cubes.
Worker Tools are only available in "Imperfect" cubes.
Missile Rain and Boulder Strike crafting items are only available in "Imperfect" cubes.
Perfect Exclusives:
Green Berets and their collection items are only available in "Perfect" cubes.
Frost Paricles, Defensive Packs, Lightning Bullets and Smasher Squads are only available in "Perfect" cubes.
Level 1[]
Level 1 Flawed
"Small gift of appreciation rewarded for progress in Meteor Shard research."