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My Stuff Icons

My Stuff is the player's inventory system which allows them to see which items, and units they have.


My Stuff is a window that can be accessed when clicking the box button in the bottom toolbar when in the players' main planet or colonies. It is separated through 4 different tabs that serves different purposes: inventory, collections, crafting and skins.

When a new item is obtained, it will make an notification bubble to appear at the top-right corner of the My Stuff button and in it's respective tab; the new item itself will appear with a red outline.


The Inventory is a section that allows the player to view which items, building and units they have, as well as allow them to place the buildings or use the units saved there. When obtained, all items will automatically go to this section (except for collection / crafting pieces). Units can be saved in the inventory when completing missions or collections.

Embassy update items (add to table): bulldozer, advanced capsule, laser aim,rockskin,chips cube, battle support cube.

  1. Apprentices are graduated after obtaining level 15 within two weeks of the players' invitation. The Academy and this item are Flash Version exclusives.
  2. Mystery Cubes can contain coins, minerals, Zeppelins, Colossus and Starlinators. See Mystery Cubes.
  3. Spheres are required to upgrade Sniper Towers and Cannon Blasts to level 11, Missile Launchers and Laser Towers to level 6, and Mortars to level 4.


You can find your collections in the My Stuff Box located under the Shop. They are in the "Collections" Tab. There are exactly 5 collections and every one of them has 5 items that need to be found to complete them. From Collections, you can get Blue Traps, Fly Traps, Starlinator, Colossus, Zeppelin and the two new recently added items: Cristal Fluid and Fission Device, that are needed to craft The Skull Nuke battle support weapon.

  • Since update 0.76.12 there is also a new attack unit called Green Beret which is available only by completing his collection.

Collection Items List[]

Click on the table's titles to see detailed info and

special features of each Reward Item.

This explosive device is self-destructed on burst.

Chubi is a genius! He has managed to make this destroyer device fly.

We are Starlingators, the best-trained Starlings you'll ever see. You have to be very careful, we might harm you if you get to close!

We're not wearing a costume! This is a real tank-shaped armor that allows us to attack all our enemies' defenses! Try it out!

Arr! We are pirates of the stars! We drive this mighty ship to throw things at our enemies, and we always win!

Starlings use this powerful and dangerous liquid in their most lethal weapons!
Item needed for crafting the Skull Nuke battle support weapon.

Items Crystal Fluid Crystal Fluid Collection Crystal Fluid
Name How To Get It? Description Cost
Gift cristal p
Viotalite Recycle Viotal crystals on a purple planet for a chance to get one. This juicy crystal is very powerful and dangerous! Some believe Firebit was corrupted by its mysterious power. 5
Gift cristal y
Lowcrisite Recycle Yellowcris crystals on a yellow planet for a chance to get one. This crystal is solidified acid. It sure sounds like good raw material for a Nuke! 5
Gift cristal g
Radquidite Recycle Radquid crystals on a green planet for a chance to get one. This crystal contains radioactive power! 5
Liquefier Help your friends and you might find one! No element is hard enough for this liquefier. So what do you want in your next smoothie? 25
Gift engine
Neutron Reactor Help your friends and you might find one! The latest Starling technology is now available for you! Let's start experimenting! 15

This device is essential in creating nuclear power! Bring here those particles!
Item needed for crafting the Skull Nuke battle support weapon.

I'm Green beret, the special operations force of your army. We can attack everything and to lead squads! Special operations unit. Specialized in reduce to dust the enemy.

Discontinued Collection Items List[]

(Now part of Decorations)

Idol Collection[]

Starlings worship him, 'cause they need to focus on battles.

(Now part of Decorations)

Ancestor Collection[]

Some Starlings believe they have evolved from this lovely 'thing'.

(Now part of Decorations)

Skull Collection[]

The Skull Tempel is a very cool item! It's new and awesome!

Golden Collection (Discontinued)[]

You can find a good use for some extra coins. Right? I thought so! Starlings worship him, 'cause they need to focus for battles.

Mineral Collection (Discontinued)[]

Add more bling to you mineral storage! Your colony will celebrate in joy!

Xmas Tree Collection (Limited time, gives Xmas Tree decoration)[]

The Starlings also love celebrate Xmas. Trade the idol collection and make your Starlings happy.



All the craftable weapons.



New Battle Support

Crafted Weapons on Attack Menu

You can find your Crafting collections inside My Stuff Box which is located underneath the Shop, on the "Crafting" tab. There are 4 Weapons that can be crafted: the Missile Rain, Boulder Strike, Skull Nuke and Freeze Bomb. You can also buy these weapons with Galaxy Chips


  • You need to obtain 4 items for each one to be able to build them.
  • The required items can only be obtained by attacking; they can't be published on the wishlist, except for the crystals to craft (the parts of ) the Skull Nuke.
  • These are meant to make attacking quite easier and quicker.
  • They are weapons of massive destruction for battle support and cover a wide range of attacks, that have a radius from 2 to 9 (else 4-5 Banks/Silos in a line).
  • They will appear inside your inventory once they appear, you'll have to build them for later use.
  • Since Update 0.66.6 Boulder Strike appearance has changed, now looks more like an Asteroid. Its price on chips has also been changed from 4 to 8.

Crafting Items List[]

Missile Rain[]

"A powerful area attack that fills the sky with missiles". It is used while attacking and deals medium damage to more than one building or unit. If the enemy has a bunker filled with purely ground units and those units are anything short of a Colossus squad, one of these can pretty much neutralize the bunker garrison if timed properly. However, it may not destroy the building itself...

Boulder Strike[]

"A huge rock that will shake the galaxy". A very powerful attack that can deal heavy damage to one target like Defense Bunkers or defensive towers like Mortar. It does have a slight AOE, about the size of the rock itself. Carefully positioned strikes can hit multiple targets, Targeting level 4-above Starbases are not recommended, as they survive it.

Skull Nuke[]

"Wipes out your enemies with a huge boom!" Buy it during a battle for a destruction boost!

The Skull Nuke is another addition to the Starlings Arsenal of special battle support weapons. It is now lumped in with the crafted weapons, but you also can buy it for 200 Galaxy Chips.


Full Skull Nuke guide by Kibble


Skull Nuke Test Video

Skull Nuke Test Confidential Video

Freeze Bomb[]

"A special area attack that will slow the attack speed of your enemy's defences"

The freeze bomb does no damage, but instead slows the fire rate of turrets, and slows the fire rate and movement speed of units outside of bunkers. It must be used while the units are outside a bunker to affect them.


  • The skull nuke is the most powerful (and expensive) craftable battle support weapon available, to date.
  • Like the Missile Rain and Boulder Strike, it's now craftable (after the game 0.59.7 update).
  • Be aware of where you deploy it, as it irradicates your friendly units, as well.
  • It's not advised to openly spend credits on nukes, as it's not really worth the price (200)
  • Crafting the Crystal Fluid and Fission Device can be easy enough if you attack planets with turrets often, and have planets that are all of the different types (i.e. green, blue, yellow, red, white, and purple)
  • Buying parts with chips is best, crystal fluid and Fission device cost 50 chips, buying parts costs 5 chips, so it is best-buying parts than the full one.
  • A lot of powerful items can be bought from the embassy building  !



  • Since Update 0.66.6, Boulder Strike appearance has changed, making it look more like an Asteroid. It's price has also been changed from 4 to 8.
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Blue Trap CollectionFly Trap CollectionStarlinator CollectionColossus CollectionZeppelin CollectionGreen BeretCristal Fluid CollectionFission Device Collection
Missile RainBoulder StrikeFreeze BombSkull Nuke
Other Battle
Support Items
Spying CapsuleSmasher Squad