Galaxy Life Wiki
Galaxy Life Wiki

I'm here to help you young one. Tell me what troubles your mind
  — Gandalin (Unused) 

Gandalin is an unused NPC found in old storyboard concepts of Galaxy Life and predecessor of Elderby. Old and wise he is one of the Starling elders and knows everything about your civilization and how to expand it. Much like Elderby he was gonna guide you and assist you.

⦁ Gandalin: Leader of one of the most powerful Tardian colonies in the galaxy. He was born on the planet Tardian and was one of those who had to flee. He tries to help those colonies that he believes maintain the good spirit of the original Tardians
  — Gandalin's story concept 



⦁ According to the old story, Gandalin was forced to lock Pinkia up due to her obession with the color Pink.
