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Easter Event has ended on April 4 2013. It got repeated in 2023, ending April 18.

Easter Event icon

Easter Event Timer

Hi giants!

This time the wave attacks will be replaced by a new feature : the in-game contests. During about a week, you must collect the maximum amount of Easter Eggs possible to to climb the contest ranking and help an Egg Box whose transport ship exploded, spreading all its eggs trough the galaxy. You'll get them by performing typical game actions like recycling, destroying units, and helping friends.

Gift egg easter

Easter Event Egg

   Once the event starts you'll see an icon in the bottom left corner of the game screen showing the remaining competition time. Click it to get all the contest details. You may receive a great reward depending on your position on this ranking so make sure you play a lot! This in-game contest will be just the first one, GL team plan to make in-game contests regularly, and in each one you'll have a different goal to make it to the top of the ranking.
 Easter Event official GL forum info 

Main Menu[]

Easter Event 2013 Easter Event 2023


  • This event is related to Easter Christian festival.
  • During the first Easter Event in 2013, you could win up to 15 Green Beret max.
  • There is a leaderboard that updates every few minutes.
Getting Eggs (2013) Getting Eggs (2023)
Action Reward Action Reward
Collecting coins
from Compact Houses
1 x Eggs   Helping friends 1-6 x Eggs  
Helping friends 3 x Eggs   Collecting resources from Compact Houses and Mines 2-4 x Eggs  
Destroying Star Bases 5 x Eggs   Destroy Buildings 3-7 x Eggs  
Destroy Star Bases 6-50 x Eggs  


  • Visit your friends a lot!
  • Collect coins and minerals from your Compact Houses and Mines whenever they are full.
  • Attack star bases during this event in alliance wars, since colony shields don't work in wars, you can hammer away at your opponents until you destroy the base. This also gives the biggest amount of eggs, up to 50Eggsat once!


See Also[]
