Is it possible to recycle or delete banks, I no longer want the amount of banks I have, and want to minimise. Please explain how to remove them.
Thank you,
What's on your mind?
Is it possible to recycle or delete banks, I no longer want the amount of banks I have, and want to minimise. Please explain how to remove them.
Thank you,
Playing on pc...apparently there are no battle replays, bummer...or chat...(which is a good thing because of toxic trolls like on Sky Clash Lords of Clan...which is a dead game that I played for years...same game as this)
The devs there left years ago and no changes have happened since...8000 people still play because chat there is like free long distance...or they paid too much for the entertainment.
I cant buy chips, every time i try its not processing and giving me an error message will this be fixed ?
sisi chicos se van a decepcionar un poco porque por alto un bug que no pude solucionar pues al agregar cuadros para las casas y minas y ese bug no deja construir pues en la base deje las pilas estelares y todas esas cos sisi chicos se van a decepcionar un poco porque por alto un bug que no pude solucionar pues al agregar cuadros para las casas y minas y ese bug no deja construir pues en la base deje las pilas estelares y todas esas cositas varias y corregĆ algunos bugs de la tienda y ya se puede construir la torreta gĆ©lida pero obviamente derrotando a reptice bueno eso es todo lo que hice ya saben que la prox semana sale la version 1 7 y va a venir cosas muy buenas como recompensas a estos bug se los prometo y bueno como siempre gracias a mi diseƱador pueden pasarse por su canal para que vean como soy humillado jajaja bueno les hago recordar que la version para androide es despues de la version para pece y tambien si son suscriptores antiguos sabran que este canal es de contenido variado y no todo va a ser necesariamente galaxylife porque en este canal e subido comedia gameplays tutoriales y tambien juegos creados o revividos por mi pero bueno ya hice una aclaracion sosisi chicos se van a decepcionar un poco porque por alto un bug que no pude solucionar pues al agregar cuadros para las casas y minas y ese bug no deja construir pues en la base deje las pilas estelares y todas esas cos sisi chicos se van a decepcionar un poco porque por alto un bug que no pude solucionar pues al agregar cuadros para las casas y minas y ese bug no deja construir pues en la base deje las pilas estelares y todas esas cositas varias y corregĆ algunos bugs de la tienda y ya se puede construir la torreta gĆ©lida pero obviamente derrota
(This is a re-post from the #announcements channel on Galaxy Life Reborn's Discord server).
Hello folks, as a compensation it was promised to you all that we would have a new cool event to make sure everyone would have fun and some mysterious battles in the universe once more. So now, it is finally time to announce when the event will happen. Are you ready for the news?
Doomsday event?!
Yes, the Doomsday event will fall soon and let you experience a new battle to defend your base and resources. The release date of the event will be 32 31 2f 38 2f 32 30 32 30. Feel free to easily find out how you can turn this to an actual date, because on at that date the event will be released on flash.
Make sure to prepare your base and colonies, as the doomsday event may doom your peace and destroy your planets... the evil spirits have no mercy with your bases and resources! It will be a truly horrific experience, which is worser than the Halloween event. Be prepared folks, be prepared.
ModMail notice!
For everyone who has submitted a ticket in ModMail, please have patience. There are really a lot of tickets, and the whole team is busy to process the recoveries and such. We do our best and hope to have it all solved today.
See you soon in the battle of doomsday!
- Marido
Doomsday event will begin this Friday, 23.08.2020!
Hey everyone, i guess you already know that the game is back just like the mobile version, but playing pocket edition does not give any pleasure actually. You can't attack another players, you can't write any messages and join the alliance. It sucks and i hope someone will fix it soon.
Because he is holy engineeer
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Have fun!
When i put S-trike the freeze turret slow my S-trike , the falcon are too expensive so if i use them i will don't have any coin or minerals in the battle and the mortar are often protected by missile launcher! I don't unlock the zeppelin Ā and the colossus but i have all of the other troops help me!
where can find the games Galaxy Life, to upload on my siteĀ ?
I'am never attacked execpt in the alliances war am i the only one?(sorry for my bad english)Ā
I am playing Galaxy Life on
The only way I now to add in-game friends is to add them on FlashGames first.
However, now I have a new alliance member which I want to add to friends. And I can't! He is not in the friends list when I try.
Is there a solution for this?
I'm wondering if Moles and Raiders are any good at all. Take note that I'm around Level 52 and have a Level 5 Star Base (Main Planet), with two colonies.